Methods Calculating a single value

Methods - Calculating a single value

Count() method

The Count() method returns an int indicating the number of elements in the source sequence that match the predicate

var strings = new List<string> { "first", "then", "and then", "finally" };

// Will return 2
int result = strings.Count(s => s.Contains("e"));



Sum() method

The result of the Sum() call will be the summation of all of these numerical values of elements in the sequence.

int[] ints =  { 2, 2, 4, 6 };
// Will return 14
int result = ints.Sum(); 


Min() and Max() methods

Very simply, the Min() method returns the minimum value from the source sequence and the Max() method returns the maximum value. As with the Sum() method, they can only be called on sequences containing numerical values.

int[] ints =  { 2, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 5 };
// Will return 6
int result = ints.Max();

Any() method

Returns true if at least one of the elements in the source sequence matches the provided predicate. Otherwise it returns false.

var doubles = new List<double> { 1.2, 1.7, 2.5, 2.4 }; 
// Will return false 
bool result = doubles.Any(val => val < 1);

Any() can also be called without a predicate, in which case it will return true if there is at least one element in the source sequence!

Can you try these for other numerical data types?

Last updated