
Trivia on the hello world docker image

The "hello-world" Docker image's executable is a simple program written in Go programming language. It was specifically created to be a lightweight and minimalistic way to test Docker installations.

The source code for the "hello-world" program can be found in the official GitHub repository of the Docker project:

If you take a look at the source code, you'll find a single Go file named hello.go. This file contains the code for the "hello-world" program. Here is the basic structure of the code:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello from Docker!")
    fmt.Println("This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.")

The program uses the fmt package from the Go standard library to print the messages to the console. It is a very simple program, just printing a couple of lines as a confirmation that Docker is working correctly.

The Go programming language was chosen for its simplicity, efficiency, and the ability to produce statically linked executables, which helps keep the image size small.

Overall, the "hello-world" program demonstrates the power of Docker by encapsulating a minimalistic Go application within a container, providing a standardized way to test Docker installations and configurations.

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