What is an ORM

What is ORM?

ORM will allow your application to interact with databases in an object-orientated way. You can define tables and their relationship using the ORM library and then communicate with database tables.

Your applications will be able to interact with databases in terms of objects, where each table will be represented by a model class. These classes will have access to numerous functions from the ORM library and these functions will perform specific database actions like create, read, update, delete, etc.

The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch

Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch' (sometimes called the 'paradigm mismatch') is just a fancy way of saying that object models and relational models do not work very well together.

RDBMSs represent data in a tabular format (a spreadsheet is a good visualization for those not familiar with RDBMSs), whereas object-oriented languages, such as C# and Java, represent it as an interconnected graph of objects.

Loading and storing graphs of objects using a tabular relational database exposes us to many mismatch problems. These topics are beyond the scope of this discussion, nevertheless you can get a fair idea here:

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